Use "flunky|flunkies" in a sentence

1. When I say this, I feel me like a snobbish flunky .

2. 27 The man of honour is broad and tolerant , the flunky is worry and misgiving.

3. Synonyms for Brownnosers include sycophants, bootlickers, fawners, lickspittles, toadies, flatterers, flunkeys, flunkies, lackeys and kowtowers

4. Clinton, Janet Reno, and other Clinton flunkies made numerous photo-op trips to the border, posed with Border Patrol agents, and Blathered about security

5. 27 An editor with an evangelical enthusiasm for a project, and me, a perennially single and somewhat cynical relationship flunky with a lust for newsprint column inches.

6. BEFORE we Canonise Prince William for having spent a few weeks in Chile sleeping rough, eating out of billy cans and singing a few ditties to disadvantaged children, let's not forget that while he may have slept under the stars for 10 weeks he's got another 70 years of sleeping in palaces with dozens of flunkies attending to his every need.